Training Information and Tips
Running is a physical activity and clearly will place the body under different stresses, therefore you should consider taking medical advice/consulting with your doctor before commencing any new form of exercise.
Top Tips
Don't eat within the hour before you are due to run
Hydrate well but don't fill your stomach with fluids before your run, sip don't gulp
Wear kit appropriate for the weather and light conditions
Dress for 10 centigrade warmer than the ambient temperature as you will get hot quickly​
Consider high visibility clothing if the light is fading
Warm up your whole body appropriately with dynamic movements, avoid static stretches
Listen to your body, if it hurts, stop! Walk for a bit and resume if the niggles have subsided
Take it easy for the first 10 minutes to ensure your body is ready for the rest of your session
Don't neglect strength training, it helps prevent injury
Always stretch after your run!
Glutes & Back
Recover properly, your body will thank you​
And most importantly, enjoy your running​​